Friday, January 8, 2016

Open Letter to Maui Government Criminal Moana Lutey (Deputy Corporation Counsel)

Dear Ms. Lutey: 

This is regarding your recent letter claiming that perjury has not been decriminalized in Maui County. Saying it does not make it so. You and the county have been lying about the issue of perjury for many years.

In order for the county to maintain the illegal policy it must deny that the policy exists. You have done this so brazenly that you insult our intelligence. Maria De Leon's perjured TRO petition (and the automatic ex parte order) followed by her false police report landed me in jail for 30 days. The judge who finally heard the case called her a liar, dissolved the ex parte order and denied the petition. I tried for two years to have her prosecuted for the perjury and false reporting that led to my arrest. I was always either ignored or told that the police do not investigate complaints of perjury, by policy. That was only one of four cases in which the county refused my attempts to have perjury prosecuted. Are you claiming that the county investigates all complaints of perjury except mine? Surely you know that would amount to an illegal vendetta. 

When I filed a lawsuit in federal court over the issue you and Richard Rost suborned perjury by Chief Phillips, who swore to the court that perjury is investigated and prosecuted the same as other crimes. The time limit for prosecution had not yet expired in the De Leon case, and I continued to urge an investigation throughout the federal court proceedings and for months afterward. But all my appeals to the chief and to the prosecutor fell on deaf ears. You and Chief Phillips spit in my face and in the court’s face. And when I requested examples of perjury prosecution the county supplied none. 

But you know all this. Who do you think you’re fooling with your preposterous lie? The problem is that you are a pathological liar and almost certainly a genuine psychopath as clinically defined by psychiatric criminologist Robert Hare in his classic book Without conscience. Your crimes against me, especially your felonious obstruction of justice in Kurt Butler vs. MDDR, stole my First Amendment right to free speech, ruined me financially, and condemned me to live in abject poverty and pain through my senior years. And they cost the taxpayers more than one hundred thousand dollars. All this to save MDDR's insurance company about the same amount. But your are utterly oblivious to the harm you caused, completely unrepentant and lacking remorse, a defining characteristic of the psychopath. 

I don't know to what extent you act on your own, but surely the mayor and your boss in the department are aware of your actions and are therefore, at the very least, complicit in your crimes. I strongly suspect bribery in the MDDR case, but I don't know who was paid off. Was it the two cops, you, your boss, or the mayor? Or all of you? I know MDDR, which mints money with criminal lies that rip off and endanger the victims of its scams, can easily afford to make very generous payoffs. 

One last point: if the county does not maintain a perjury decriminalization policy, why not agree to my demands? What harm could come from issuing a memo reminding police officers that it is their duty to investigate complaints of perjury the same as any other serious crime, something they are obviously unaware of?

Why not remind the public, with a press release, that people have a right to have their complaints of perjury investigated, and prosecuted if warranted by the evidence? To save face you could say that there has long been a misunderstanding about it. And why not tweak the TRO petition forms to warn potential perjurers and to inform respondents of their rights? The county’s refusal to meet these demands supports my contention that there is a perjury decriminalization policy, and that the county wants to keep it and keep lying about it.

Here's a link to all my blogs:
For more detailed critiques of various forms of quackery, including naturopathy, see my book A Consumer’s Guide to “Alternative Medicine”.  It was expertly edited by legendary quack buster Stephen Barrett. MD. 
The critics say:

"Superb!" -- Dr. Victor Herbert in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"Excellent" -- National Council Against Health Fraud.

"Five Stars" -- Cooking Light.

"Thought provoking; a great book" -- American Journal of Health Promotion.

 When the book was published almost 30 years ago it was strongly praised by responsible health experts and the rare responsible media, but trashed by new-age critics and even vandalized in bookstores by new-age fanatics. It is as true and relevant as ever, and has been mostly vindicated by time. Yet my courageous and far-sighted publisher, the venerable Prometheus Books, is still sitting on lots of copies. Please help validate their integrity by buying a copy. Or two or more as gifts. Perhaps 10 for your local school library and health classes. See their website for assorted discounts. Make them an offer. (My royalties are insignificant; this little promo is for the benefit of one of the world's great publishers, Prometheus Books.) 

Maui's future foretold
Barbarians In Paradise -- Terror Comes to Maui. This is a prophetic flash novel about a future police state and those who rebel against it. Available in paperback and ebook at