Friday, February 15, 2008

Civil War Coming to Maui?

The following is an open letter I sent to all Hawaii State legislators.

Will I go to court or to war? Is civil war coming to Maui? Government terrorists and thugs are running amok in Hawaii, especially on Maui. I first got caught in their net several years ago and I'm still trapped. Since the year 2,000 they have repeatedly persecuted and brutalized me in ever-escalating attacks. In the most recent episode I was unlawfully arrested (this is not in dispute), then incarcerated for 30 days in MCCC without benefit of counsel. There I was assaulted and brutally battered (by guards, not inmates); denied medical care for a very painful and potentially serious condition; taunted and mocked by ACOs while vomiting, kept in isolation in a cell strewn with my vomit for ten days (they refused to clean it up); denied all hygienic measures (no soap, toothpaste, shower, etc, or even toilet paper); denied even one minute a day of exercise and sunshine; subjected to sadistic abuses by guards and nurses; and subjected to one of the cruelest of tortures, ten days of sleep deprivation that continued long after I informed the sadists that I was hallucinating badly and begged for an end to the torment and begged to be allowed to contact an attorney.

In short, I was treated like an enemy combatant -- almost as bad those at Abu Graub. The egregious abuses and violations I endured are unlawful even for death-row inmates. They are extremely offensive by all civilized standards of decency and they are criminal by state, federal and international law. Yet it all appeared to be routine for them. They had obviously committed the same crimes against others.

This happened in June, 2006. When I was released (and the bogus charge dropped) the first thing I did was seek psychiatric care to help me deal with the humiliation, degradation, depression and rage. But no psychiatrist would see me because I did not have the right insurance. My anguish has greatly increased since then.

The second thing I did was seek an attorney with a view to filing a lawsuit in federal court against the County for unlawful arrest and another against the State for cruel and unusual punishment and other violations of my civil rights. Over the next 21 months I contacted one attorney after another, and I believe I have now contacted all personal injury and civil rights attorneys on Maui and Oahu. Much to my shock, not a single one would hear me out or read my chronology and the outline of my case. This has nothing to do with the merits of the case, of which they know nothing. Nor does it appear to be a question of money; they don't ask whether I can afford a retainer. More recently I have offerred a $50K retainer to several: still no response. They simply want nothing to do with it. The ACLU says it is swamped and cannot help me.

So now, with just 3 months left to beat the statute of limitations, I have thought about trying to get help from a non-HSBA member, maybe a paralegal or someone who has represented himself in federal court. However, I learned that this is illegal, so I wrote to Attorney General Bennett and HSBA President Sia and asked them what action they would take should I go to court with such a person representing me. Bennett's office replied but refused to answer my question. The Deputy Attorney said that he cannot give me legal advice (which I did not ask for). Sia did not reply.

So here are my questions:

How can there be any pretense that the Bill of Rights is the law of the land here? How is Hawaii any better than the notorious tyrannies and police states around the world?

Does this case not prove the absurdity and inherent injustice of preventing non-attorney-guild members from representing plaintiffs or at least helping with research and the like? If the HSBA Bums choose not to fight for liberty and justice, who are they to stop others from taking a shot at it? And who are legislators to allow, aid and abet such tyranny by granting them the monopoly?

Might not such tyranny eventually inspire victims of government terrorism to take another kind of "shot" at the problem? People (including our nation's founders) have fought wars and revolutions over the issues at stake here. Since victims of government terrorism have no access to the courts and no hope of legal redress, are there any moral reasons (as opposed to practical and legal reasons) that they should not take up arms against the government terrorists of Maui and Hawaii? Are they supposed to peacefully accept their degraded state and live their entire lives in fear of the next arbitrary assault by the government thugs and criminals? I'm too old to resort to real armed struggle, and I tend toward pacifism anyway, but I can understand the rage that might drive younger people -- especially those not talented with the "pen" -- to resort to the “sword”.

Now I need your advice on how I might regain my dignity, humanity and peace of mind. Would you care to guarantee payment for the psychiatric care that I, thanks to government terrorists, have needed for two years and been denied?

I'm 63 years old. I grew up in Hawaii (elementary school on Molokai, high school in Kailua, college at UH) and planned on living out my life on Maui. I never had trouble with the law until, in 2,000, I crossed paths with the Maui Police Department's Finest Thugs, Bullies and Perjurers. Now my dream of living out my senior years in peace and happiness here have been shot to hell. My anguish, grief and rage have increased with each day in the last 21 months. I will NEVER forget or forgive those who brutalized me and those who allowed it to happen and continue to allow such atrocities to happen in the name of "The People."

Tyranny always inspires hatred, rage, vigilantism, and revolution. Its victims develop emotions similar to those of a woman who has been gang-raped and cannot get justice from the system even though the culprits are well known and get to continue their lives after wrecking hers. This kind of rage is not easily extinguished.

This open letter to Hawaii State legislators is my Hail Mary. Legislators, current and previous, are largely responsible for the horrid health of Lady Liberty in Hawaii. They have rendered their constituents defenseless against the thugs in the executive branch. So this is a personal appeal for your help in finding an attorney who will secure me a fair trial in federal court.

Is there not a moral obligation for at least one of you to step forward and defend ordinary people from government terrorists? After all, legislators have granted the law guild an absolute monopoly on the practice of law without requiring its members to devote even a tiny fraction of their efforts to protecting the most fundamental rights of all Hawaii residents and gaining legal redress for victims of government terrorism.

Ten years ago I could not have imagined the things that have happened since -- that such atrocities would be committed against me by county and state thugs. Now, however, I know it could and did happen to me again and again, and also that it could happen to almost anyone, including a friend, relative or other loved one of each and every legislator. So I am asking each of you, in such an event what esteemed attorney would you engage to help a loved one (or yourself) get justice and peace of mind, and thereby regain faith in the rule of law in Hawaii? I don't need just a name – I have tried all those in the phone directory. I need a personal request from you to the attorney asking him or her to contact me and consider my case.

A prolonged fight over the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights (and the Hawaii State Constitution) could develop into a form of civil war -- probably nonviolent, at least at first, but nevertheless very disruptive to Maui's vulnerable economy. Unlike in most such civil rights cases, due to the uneducated and inarticulate nature of most potential plaintiffs, or their intoxicated or insane state such that they cannot credibly testify to events, my case is unusually well documented. Success is virtually assured, and this could inspire (or force) immediate reform. Without reform the county and state will continue to fill huge silos with anger, hatred, cynicism and vengeance. Can that be good for these islands?

The people of this county and this state deserve and need a trial in federal court on my case so the critical issues it raises can be properly aired in a manner befitting a democratic society and a liberty-loving people. If a private company had similarly kidnapped, detained and brutalized me, its executives would go to prison and they and their company would be financially ruined by my lawsuit -- lawyers would have been all over it. How can we not hold the government to at least a fraction of such accountability? Without accountability we have tyranny, which causes alienation and invites insurrection.

If June 1 arrives without my complaints having been filed I will resign myself to being officially at war with the governments of the County of Maui and the State of Hawaii. They will have created an implacable enemy for life. These police-state-type entities have waged war on me for some seven years, and the passing of June 1 will finalize and make official my lack of legal redress, in this most brazen and atrocious case. By revoking my rights under the Bill of Rights and rendering me utterly defenseless against arbitrary assaults on my liberties and my person, the governments have made it clear that they consider the Bill of Rights to be null and void in Hawaii and they will not be constrained by its provisions. Why should its victims not fight back, blow for blow? And, denied constitutional rights and human rights, why should they be subject to the Tyrants' laws at all? Tyrany carries the seeds of anarchy.

If this last desperate effort fails I will spend the rest of my life fighting the tyranny of the Maui/Hawaii Injustice System with every fiber of my being. Through the internet, podcasting, books (I've had several published by major publishers over the last couple decades, and I have contacts in publishing and in Hollywood), articles, and other media, I will spend all my days and expend all my resources and energy exposing to the world the evils that prevail in this phony "paradise," and I will urge other victims to likewise fight back with ALL the means at their disposal.

Links to all my blogs:

For more detailed critiques of various forms of quackery, including naturopathy, see my book A Consumer’s Guide to “Alternative Medicine”.  It was expertly edited by legendary quack buster Stephen Barrett. MD. 
The critics say:

"Superb!" -- Dr. Victor Herbert in the New England Journal of Medicine.

"Excellent" -- National Council Against Health Fraud.

"Five Stars" -- Cooking Light.

"Thought provoking; a great book" -- American Journal of Health Promotion.

 When the book was published almost 30 years ago it was strongly praised by responsible health experts and the rare responsible media, but trashed by new-age critics and even vandalized in bookstores by new-age fanatics. It is as true and relevant as ever, and has been mostly vindicated by time. Yet my courageous and far-sighted publisher, the venerable Prometheus Books, is still sitting on lots of copies. Please help validate their integrity by buying a copy. Or two or more as gifts. Perhaps 10 for your local school library and health classes. See their website for assorted discounts. Make them an offer. (My royalties are insignificant; this little promo is for the benefit of one of the world's great publishers, Prometheus Books.) 

Maui's future foretold
Barbarians In Paradise -- Terror Comes to Maui. This is a prophetic flash novel about a future police state and those who rebel against it. Available in paperback and ebook at